TaeguTec's 6 corner double-sided 6NGU line has delivered remarkable results in shoulder milling applications. Designed to provide an economical solution with its positive helical cutting edge that reduces cutting force and vibration, while offering an excellent surface finish, the Mill2Rush line has repeatedly exceeded productivity expectations.
While the 6NGU 06 and 09 insert sizes have delivered more than satisfactory results in shoulder milling applications at higher parameters, the all-new WNGX 08 is here to complement the existing range.
WNGX 08 is a double sided insert most suited for shoulder milling applications at lower to moderate cutting parameters. What's more... it consumes less power than any other conventional 4-cutting edge positive shoulder milling inserts!
6 Cutting edges. Very economical!
Cutters (Face Mills) are available in Diameters 50 to 125 mm.
90 deg approach. Suitable for face milling & square shoulder. True 90 deg achievable!Helical cutting edge for smooth cutting and less rigid setups!
06 mm thickness gives strong cutting edge suitable for higher feed rates.
Suitable for up to 5 mm DoC.
Consumes less power than conventional 4 cutting edge shoulder milling inserts!Applicable for Cast Iron, Steel and Stainless Steel components with suitable grades.
TaeguTec India P Ltd
Tel: +91-(0)80-27839111; Fax: +91-(0)80-27839123; E-mail: sales@taegutec-india.com