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High-performance hydraulic expansion toolholder

By Guest Author,

Added 25 April 2018

First-class quality and performance
TENDO E compact BT-DC with taper and face contact combines high clamping forces and an excellent vibration damping with an extraordinary bending and torsional strength. At an excellent machining quality and precision, the cutting parameters are increased, and in turn the machining time and costs are reduced. Comparable with a shock absorber, the world's most powerful hydraulic expansion toolholder reliably absorbs vibrations, and provide for a quiet and exact cutting action. In heavy duty machining and drilling and reaming operations, the user benefits from an extremely high surface quality.

Particularly the geometric three-dimensional precision of form and die are substantially improved. Moreover, the high run-out and repeat accuracy at the spindle interface ensures for long tool life, maximum protection of the spindle and for high process safety.

Up to 60% higher torques
At a permanent run-out accuracy of < 0.003 mm at an unclamped length of 2.5 x D, and a balancing quality of G 2.5 at 25.000 rpm, the SCHUNK TENDO E compact BT-DC with simul-taneous taper and face contact seamlessly fits into the proven hydraulic expansion technology program from SCHUNK. Its clamping forces are about 20% higher than the ones of conventional hydraulic expansion toolholders. Compared with conventional hydraulic ex-pansion toolholders, the TENDO E compact transmits up to 60% higher torques. For fast tool change, all that is needed, is an Allen key. All
popular shank types, also Weldon or Whistle Notch shanks can be clamped. By using intermediate sleeves the clamping diameter can be flexibly reduced. Initially, the SCHUNK TENDO E compact with simultaneous taper and face contact interface will be available on a basis of BT 30 (Ø 20 mm). At the beginning of 2017, BT 30 (Ø 12 mm), and BT 40 (ø 12 mm, ø 20 mm) will follow.

For more information, contact:
Satish Sadasivan