Particularly for machines with BT dual contact interfaces, SCHUNK, the competence leader for clamping technology and gripping systems now offers the high-performance hydraulic expansion toolholder SCHUNK TENDO E compact in a version for simultaneous taper and face contact, which compensate for the weakness of steep taper interfaces. This allows the user to use the full performance potentials of the machine.
In the past, users who wanted to efficiently and economically machine with steep taper mountings, quickly met their tool's limits. At an increasing speed, the spindle arbor expands and the contact surface between tool mounting and spindle is reduced. The consequences of this instability are serious: The system consisting of machine, toolholder and tool starts vibrating, the power transmission suffers, precision, and surface quality at the workpiece is lost, and tools wear out quickly. This weakness can be completely eliminated if machines with BT dual contact interface are combined with a SCHUNK TENDO E compact BT-DC hydraulic expansion toolholder. The taper and face contact system closes the gap between tool flange and end face of the machine spindle and a
precise dual contact of the spindle at the taper and the end face of the machine spindle is given. At the same time, the system prevents the toolholder from drawing further back into the machine spindle, and stops motion along the Y-axis. Because of this radial rigidity and vibration strength of the whole system is maximized, and partly surpass the values of other standardized machine interfaces.
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