To deliberate the issue of ‘Make in India in Defence Sector', the Army Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT), Greater Noida is organising a day-long seminar at its campus on 9th May 2015 on the theme ‘Make in India Made Easy- Opportunities and Challenges for Defence Sector'.
Spread over three technical sessions, the seminar will bring together an array of speakers from the Industry, academia and the policy makers.
Various eminent personalities from MoD, Army, Corporate Sector and business schools shall share their views on how to leverage on ‘Make in India' initiative of the Central Government.
The scope of the seminar will cover changing business environment of India and throw light on major policy initiatives under ‘Make in India' campaign.
The speakers will also deliberate numerous business opportunities offered by the Make in India in the defence sector not only for the major arms manufacturer players but for SSIs and MSMEs especially in the light of the enhanced capital and revenue budget.
AIMT is a Management Institute established in 2004. It conducts two year full time MBA residential programmes for the wards of serving and retired Army personnel and Army war widows and is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.