SCHUNK VERO-S quick-change pallet system
For the first time ever, the SCHUNK VERO-S quick-change pallet system can be used to clamp flat workpieces directly in the SCHUNK VERO-S quick-change pallet system. This results in completely new possibilities for machining thin workpieces, mold halves or free-form parts in machining metalworking, in tool and mold making, as well as in structural and chassis components for the aerospace industry. While conventional quick-change pallet pins can only be used from a depth of engagement of 20 mm to 25 mm, a clamping depth of only 3.5 mm is sufficient for the dovetail pins. The required interface (60° angle) can be produced with a free-form milling cutter with minimal material removal. The clamping pin is then inserted and locked by means of a hexagon key through two hardened clamping slides. After machining, the clamping pin can be removed and used for other purposes.
Extensive modular system
The dovetail pins are available in three versions as centering, positioning or retaining pins with a size 40 centering clearance. They are suitable for use in SCHUNK VERO-S NSE plus 138
or 176 quick-change pallet modules, and can also be used together with the SCHUNK WDB modular system for direct workpiece
clamping. Due to the special geometry of the SCHUNK VERO-S clamping pins, eccentric and thereby particularly easy loading of the modules is also possible. The direct clamping, free of interfering contours, with dovetail pins allows free access to the workpieces from five sides, a defined clamping situation, high repeat and positioning accuracy, as well as high pulling forces for demanding
machining operations.