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Going beyond all horizons - the S11 with extended functionality

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 19 March 2017

The conversion to the new control in the S11 provides even more advantages for users of the small, powerful production cylindrical grinding machine.

The S11 gives you great performance in a minimum of space. Image courtesy: Studer

Now the users of the new S11 - the smallest production cylindrical grinding machine in the Studer Portfolio - can profit from the diverse advantages of the Studer standard grinding cycles and the grinding software for offline programming StuderGRIND**.

Using the software, StuderWINfocus together with Fanuc control provides the basis for a flexible scope of use, which increases customer benefit significantly.

"The customer naturally still has the opportunity to design his program as flexibly as possible using micro functions. With the Studer standard grinding cycles, however, he has even more convenience and support with the S11," explains Christian Josi, Project Manager at Studer.

The uniform control platform guarantees program consistency on all machines running Windows operating systems. This is regardless of whether the program is programmed directly on the Control or is generated externally with StuderGRIND.

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