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BluePlus - Fritz Studer AG helps your customers use resources efficiently

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 10 July 2015

Energy efficiency will also be an important issue in machine construction

These improvements have been achieved by taking constructive measures in the area of cool-ant supply and the extraction system and by using energy-optimised electric components.

The software used in STUDER machines contributes in a major way. Fritz Studer AG has won the PRODEX Award for Innovation 2012 (in Basel) and the Intec Prize 2013 (in Leipzig) for the «StuderTechnology» software.

This software reduces and optimises processing times (by up to 50 percent) and the energy consumption of STUDER grinding machines. This helps considerably to save energy.

This is also what the respective juries thought when they awarded the prizes. Below you can see four examples of where STUDER is taking action to design its cylindrical grinding machines more energy-efficiently.

Granitan® machine bed: The manufacture of STUDER machine beds made of Granitan® requires less than 40 percent of the energy needed for a comparable iron cast bed.

StuderTechnology: «StuderTechnology» immediately optimises finishing processes even more and reduces processing times down by 50 percent.

StuderGRIND / StuderWIN: Thanks to a detailed process simulation for setup of a machine for new production tasks, down-times and spoilage can be avoided. Energy and raw material requirements are also reduced.

Machine components: More energy efficient equipment in the coolant and extraction system. Further physical saving-project measures are being developed all the time.

The STUDER concept of the «4BlueSteps» is used to implement these principles.

Step1:   The optimal selection of components and dimensioning of the measure.
Step2:   Standby Management optimised to customer requirements.
Step3:   The software «StuderTechnology».
Step4:   EE4C - a concept, which, in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich/Inspire, has been developed to enable the optimal design of a machine's configuration with regard to the energy consumed for each produced workpiece.

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