In future, energy efficiency will also be an important issue in machine construction. STUDER, as well as all the other companies in the UNITED GRINDING Group, has qualified for the «Bluecompetence» label. You can find out here what this label stands for and how STUDER tackles the subject of energy efficiency.
Global energy requirements are constantly increasing. In order to counteract the rapid increase in energy and climate change, the available energy must be used more efficiently and effectively. Energy efficiency is also becoming an important topic in machine tools.
The Verband Deutscher Maschinen und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA - German Engineering Federation) has therefore taken up this topic with the «Bluecompetence» label. Sustainability is the focus and the label aims towards establishing energy efficient products, technologies and processes that save on resources.
This label may only be used by companies that have acknowledged the conditions of use in writing and have committed themselves to the implementation of energy and resource efficient solutions. Having been given the rights to use this label, UNITED GRINDING Group and therefore STUDER too are pioneers in the industry. Optimised use of resources begins with consideration and Analysis of the machining process chain.
The best energy is always the energy which is not used, or can be avoided. It is therefore important that the best finishing strategy and the most efficient production technology is ascertained for each workpiece.
Not every measure is the best solution for every machine to achieve the maximum resource efficiency. It's more about ensuring that the right thing is done at the right moment. The goal must be to improve production times, shorten processing times and save on energy costs.
This can not only save energy but also provide customers with a direct benefit. Fritz Studer AG is a major player in state-funded projects concerned with energy efficiency, also in collaboration with universities. In these projects improvements to grinding machines have been developed, which once implemented will lead to a reduction in the energy consumed by machines.
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