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Skipper Limited commissions its PVC plant in Guwahati

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 22 December 2015

The plant has a manufacturing capacity of 4000 MTPA for plumbing and agri pipes

With the setting up of this new plant in Guwahati, Skipper Limited aims to support the Prime Minister's initiative of ‘Make In India'. With this policy, India will be the next manufacturing hub and a competitive market globally. Skipper Ltd. currently has two PVC Pipes manufacturing plants i.e. in Uluberia (West Bengal) and Ahmedabad (Gujarat).

As part of its expansion programme Skipper will soon be commissioning plants in Hyderabad and Sikandrabad (UP). Skipper also  entered into two separate partnership with the global giants namely Japan based Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd., & Netherlands based Wavin group in order to bring world class plumbing system to the market.

Skipper's PVC business has been registering 100% growth and has already captured a significant share of the Eastern India market. The company also has an initiative of excellence "Skipper Saathi" that, trains semi-skilled and unskilled plumbers. Through this initiative, the company aims to contribute to the growing requirement of trained manpower in plumbing and farming sectors.