Tell us about your key product displays at IMTEX 2019
IMTEX is platform to showcase the latest technology products for metal working industry. Our focus is show two different products
Minimum Quantity Lubricants (MQL) - In today's highly competitive world, where technologies are changing very fast and we are finding the competition not only from known competitors but also from unheard competitors. Hence we need to for sustainable products, which are not only required for us to sustain but also for the sustainable for the environment. Hence Our SUPRACO 13XX series MQL came to existence. These are futuristic products, since they offer heavy reduction in over all consumption of metal working fluid/cutting oil and also bio- degradable. SUPRACO 13XX MQLs not only save the direct cost of cutting oil but also help in reduction in carbon foot print, energy cost, disposal cost (as there is no disposal), cleaning cost and rust preventive cst. Inspite of the huge benefits these products are not very common not only in India but also in the world, as these products require specialised chemistry to manufacture these oils and also specialised machines (on which they can be used). There are very few companies who are using this technology in their machine shop today. Today all metal cutting operations (except grinding & deformation) can be done with MQLs.
Clean Hydraulic oil - Problems with hydraulic oil in today's industry. According to OEMs and industry research the following facts lead to more frequent problems in high performance systems: Hydraulic systems are getting smaller, Fluid residence times in reservoirs can be as short as 30 seconds, Oil reservoirs often not optimum in shape or size, Oil flow rates are very high relative to oil volumes, Hydraulic systems are designed to have higher power densities, Hydraulic oil temperatures are higher (> 130°C transients seen), Hydraulic oil pressures have generally increased. With all of these tougher conditions, oil is being pushed to its limits on a daily basis hence they can finally lead to:
• Increased oil temperature
• Oil degradation
• Varnish and sludge buildup
• Valve sticking
• Excessive filter clogging
• Machinery downtime and excessive maintenance costs
• Varnish removal problems, HS&E issues with solvents, etc.
RUBRIC CLEAN, premium hydraulic oils, which are not just filtered to get the right cleanliness level as per ISO 4406:1999 (upgraded version of NAS 1638) and claimed as clean oils, but prevents varnish build-up and keeps your hydraulic systems running at peak efficiency. More importantly, RUBRIC CLEAN will extend the life of the system. Some of the key features of the product are: A fluid solution to keeping a hydraulic system free of varnish, High oxidation life to protect components, Excellent wear protection to extend equipment life, Outstanding filtration performance in presence of water, Excellent rust and corrosion protection and Separates water quickly.
MotulTech also offer RUBRIC R-CLEAN, a non-solvent industrial system cleaner that removes existing varnish and contamination from hydraulic fluids. RUBRIC R-CLEAN is added to existing equipment and Machine continues to operate and produces parts while equipment is being cleaned (maximum cleaning time recommended is 48 hours). At end of cleaning, cleaner / hydraulic fluid is drained* and equipment is filled with our hydraulic oil RUBRIC CLEAN HM which keeps the system clean and avoids further downtime.
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