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Current Issue

Passionate about Precision

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 11 August 2014

The Machinist caught up with Stephan Nell, CEO, United Grinding Group AG, after the successful conclusion of the third Grinding Symposium in Switzerland to understand how all companies in the Group are endeavouring to set benchmarks with their production processes in the grinding machine industry

First of all, congratulations on the successful organisation of the third edition of the Grinding Symposium. How satisfied are you personally with this year's show?

Thank you very much! The event was really a success. We're satisfied because of three reasons. First, our customers gave us a great feedback regarding the event. They appreciated that they got a full 360 degree overview of the grinding industry. The combination of technology presentations and world innovations, cross-cutting lectures and partner stands offered during the Symposium allowed our visitors to actively experience how the United Grinding Group fulfils the claim to offer to our customers more than just the right grinding technology. In fact a customer from India said that ‘the Symposium is unique because in just a short time you can understand things that are very difficult to grasp through other information channels'.

Secondly, with more than 1,400 guests per day from more than 40 countries worldwide we've reached our targets. It was a great pleasure to welcome so many international guests.

And thirdly, thanks to you as well. We've got 70 journalists (three from India!) coming to the Symposium from around the world. I would like to thank you personally for your interest in our company and our solutions. Thank you!

And how has this Symposium evolved since it started?

The first edition was in 2005, the second one in 2009 and now in 2014. The main concept is and was always the same. Giving to the customers in a nice environment the possibility to get the latest information and insights of the grinding industry and other topics! This year we had e.g. one big topic Innovation: therefore we had several guest speakers talking about this topic. Our core target is that our customers have enough time sharing and discussing their ideas and plans with a broad network of specialists - and, all of that in a nice and relaxing environment with a business approach.


Grinding Symposium 2014

For the third time, the United Grinding Group held the largest symposium in the international grinding machine industry in Thun (Switzerland) a few months back. ‘Making our customers more successful' was the central motto. A total of 30 machines from the Group were presented at 14 stations. Every day more than 1,400 visitors from over 40 countries took the opportunity to learn more about the future of grinding in more than 154 technology presentations and 20 lectures. The breadth of the lectures ranged from materials in grinding tool development to increasing productivity in the design of grinding processes, as well as the reduction of grinding forces or processing and auxiliary times.