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Current Issue

A Competitive Edge!

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 06 July 2015

CGTech’s VERICUT software is widely used in aerospace and defence to improve the efficiency of all types of CNC Machine Tools, says Bryan Jacobs, Marketing Communications Manager, CGTech.

We understand that CGTech's VERICUT is widely used in aerospace and defence to improve the efficiency of all types of CNC Machine Tools. Tell us more about this.
VERICUT software is used to simulate CNC machining in order to detect errors, potential collisions, or areas of inefficiency. It enables NC programmers to correct errors before the program is ever loaded on the CNC machine, thereby eliminating manual prove-outs. It also optimises NC program cutting speeds for more efficient machining.

When you invest in VERICUT, you're not just buying a software program; you're teaming up with a manufacturing partner with the largest group of CNC machining experts in the world. We are continually exposed to new manufacturing methods and technologies worldwide, gaining expertise that can give you a competitive edge. Some customers include: HAL, L&T Group, Tata, Mahindra & Mahindra etc.

At the 2015 Paris Air Show, CGTech exhibited its expanded range of software applications for the aerospace industry. What was the highlight of this showcase from CG Tech?
CGTech's VERICUT software is widely used in aerospace and defence to improve the efficiency of all types of CNC Machine Tools. VERICUT is CNC machine simulation, verification and optimisation software that enables users to eliminate the process of manually proving-out NC programs.

It simulates all types of CNC machining, including multi-axis milling, drilling and trimming of composite parts, water jet cutting, robotic machining and mill/turn centers. VERICUT runs standalone, but can also be integrated with leading CAM systems used in aerospace including Dassault Systemes CATIA, Siemens PLM NX, Delcam PowerMill and Open Mind HyperMill.

Aerospace applications featuring the world's leading CNC machine tool suppliers including DMG MORI, Mazak, Starrag, GROB, CMS and Hermle were featured.

Throughout the show, CGTech also demonstrated VERICUT Composite Applications: VERICUT Composite Programming (VCP) and VERICUT Composite Simulation (VCS). CGTech featured projects that highlight the use of off-line NC programming and simulation software for Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) machines and Automated Tape Laying (ATL) machines including robot cells. VERICUT Composites Applications are machine independent and machines from the world's leading composites machinery suppliers, including Electroimpact and mTorres, were featured.

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