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Current Issue

Why 'Green' matters!

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 15 October 2015

While Hyundai Motor India Limited has increased its production capacity, the utility costs have not increased proportionately nor has its consumption of resources gone up. Stephen Sudhakar, Vice President – Human Resources and General Supporting, explains how ecofriendly manufacturing practices have made this possible.

Has a proper scientific approach been taken in planting the correct variety of trees in the campus?
Yes, of course!  HMI has developed a 56 acre green belt inside the factory premises with lawns, flowering shrubs & trees (22,000 trees and 55,000 saplings). The trees are strategically planted for Shelter, for aesthetic appeal and also food. We have fruit trees like coconut, lemon, mango, banana and pomegranate and sometimes we even grow seasonal vegetables.

Apart from this, HMIF our CSR arm, under its ‘Go Green project' has planted three lakh teak wood saplings in the surrounding villages over the last few years. HMIF will pay the farmers for maintaining these trees for the next 10 years. Such plants which are planted on the periphery of their land, have helped farmers rejuvenate their arid land and aided intercropping. On completion of 10 years, when the tree matures, the farmer can sell the wood and get some extra income.

Have any targets been set with regards to the above performance? If yes, then what is the status on that front?
Yes. All Environmental Projects are linked to ISO14001 system and status of existing and new projects are reviewed by the management from time to time. Besides, Hyundai Motor India has a dedicated set of energy experts who regularly conduct audits at various shopfloors and office areas. The findings are discussed and corrective measures/ improvisation are affected. This is an ongoing process.

The paint shop is probably one of the most un-ecofriendly areas inside a car manufacturing company. How are you ‘greening' this aspect?
We have one of the most modern and sophisticated flexible manufacturing plant in Chennai making cars for the domestic and export market. Every shopfloor is highly automated with the latest technology. The paint shop which is 60 percent automated, is outfitted with the latest equipment, and uses environment friendly water based process and robotic paint application for superior finish and reduced consumption.

To treat the fumes and maintain air quality, we have installed a state-of-the-art Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer System (RTO) in the shop that reduces harmful VOC (volatile organic compounds) emission from paint oven exhaust to release clean fumes. The system also recycles thermal heat from the exhaust and pre heats fresh air used for paint ovens, thereby cutting down propane consumption, drastically. The paint sludge that is generated at the end of the painting process is collected separately and is being disposed to cement industries for co-processing.

(Continued on the next page)