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Current Issue

Why 'Green' matters!

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 15 October 2015

While Hyundai Motor India Limited has increased its production capacity, the utility costs have not increased proportionately nor has its consumption of resources gone up. Stephen Sudhakar, Vice President – Human Resources and General Supporting, explains how ecofriendly manufacturing practices have made this possible.

How does the environmental aspect impact HMI's operational and overall business efficiency across the different factors?
Hyundai Motor India Limited follows ecofriendly manufacturing practices where energy, water efficiency and proper waste management form key components of sustainability. Critical utilities like electricity, fuel and water, crucial to our manufacturing process is closely monitored as, if left unchecked could push up costs.

This strict discipline has ensured that while we have increased our production capacity, our utility costs have not increased proportionately nor has our consumption of resources gone up. We have engineered our processes to ensure that nothing goes out of our plant and hence have achieved a zero discharge status.

Has HMI also taken efforts to regularly measure performance across key measurable areas like Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, Water Consumption, Waste Generation and VOC Emissions?
Yes, HMIL has taken various initiatives to conserve resources   and has implemented numerous sustainable measures towards ecofriendly manufacturing practices.

Energy consumption: Energy conservation activities are closely monitored by way of regular inspection and audits by a team of dedicated energy management experts. Also, Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) at different points is monitored and controlled regularly.

CO2 Emission: CO2 Emission generated during the manufacturing process is negligible. We monitor Ambient Air quality month on month as per National Ambient Air Quality Standards. We are happy to state that the air quality at our plant is well within the standards prescribed by the Pollution Control Board.

Water Recycling and Saving: HMIL has taken all initiatives to minimise water consumption drastically by providing PRVs (Pressure Reduction Valve) & VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) systems in shopfloors. In addition to that, we have a full-fledged facility to recycle waste water. The treated water is reused in the manufacturing process thereby reducing consumption of fresh water. Importantly, the sewage water is treated and reused for landscaping. Apart from this, we collect rain water in four big rain water harvesting ponds inside the factory with a total capacity of 2.75 lakh kilo litres. This water is also used for various in plant processes, thereby reducing our dependence on government sources.

Waste Management: Waste generated during various in plant processes are collected individually and stored in specific safe houses. From time to time such waste material is disposed to recyclers or released in secured landfill sites. Paint sludge is sent to cement Industries for co-processing.

Food Waste Management: Apart from this, HMI has taken initiatives to convert food waste in to manure by providing Organic Waste Convertor System and also recycles paper.

Paper Recycling - Saving precious trees and water: We have entered into an agreement with ITC industries where all waste paper is sent to them for recycling. They give us virgin A4 sheets for office use, in lieu. Last year alone we received 5653 reams of A4 sheets, which translate into saving 4913 trees and about 26,498 litres of water!

VOC Emissions: We have installed a state of the art Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer System (RTO) in Paint Shop oven stacks, as an innovative technology by which VOC emission is drastically reduced from 120 PPM to 18 PPM.

All these processes are monitored by energy and sustainability experts and reviewed from time to time.

(Continued on the next page)