Conventional relief systems also have other disadvantages such as release of (flammable and toxic) process fluids or their combustion products in the environment, and often a large footprint of the installation itself. With increasing environmental awareness, relief systems are not always an acceptable solution.
The latest high-integrity pressure protection system provide a solution to protect equipment in cases where high-pressures and/or flow rates are processed and the environment is to be protected. This system is useful when the economic viability of a development needs improvement and / or the risk profile of the plant must be reduced.
The system has tremendous applications in the Oil and Gas Industry, upstream and pipeline (including subsea) with respect to compressors, turbines pipelines, well heads, and underground gas storage systems. It is also used in refineries for applications up to API 15000.
UL/FM fire pumps
For specific applications, UL/FM certified fire pumps are much safer than standard fire pumps. The UL/FM Fire Pumps are tested and listed for use by a third-party testing and listing agency, such as UL or FM Global. They follow the rigorous standards of the NFPA - National Fire Protection Association, an International non-profit membership organisation founded in 1880 that has about 300 codes and standards influencing every building, process, service, design, and installation in the US as well as many of those used in other countries.
With 81,000 members from more than 100 nations, it's the world's leading advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety. One of the major advantages of the UL/FM Fire Pump is that it is recognized by global insurance agencies who charge smaller premiums for a factory with UL/FM Fire Pumps.
Sine qua non is a Latin expression which means an essential element or condition.
The author is MD & Country Head, Pentair India.