CSR Activities
- In 2007 Setco Foundation was set up with a clear goal to reduce the infant mortality and look after young mothers in under developed areas.
- Setco dedicates 5% of its profits annually towards CSR.
- Our focus is on health and nutrition, education and empowerment for the under privileged, rural women and children
- Setco Foundation works alongside and supports the efforts of ICDS and Government anganwadis because we believe that both SCALE and IMPACT can be achieved by Public Private Partnership. Setco is utilizing the anganwadis as an axis of change
Fundamental Pillars:
Health and Nutrition: Our goal is to work towards building a replicable and scalable model for improving the nutritional and health status of women and children aged 0-6years.
Education: We are currently working on a pre-school education system at the anganwadi level, to ensure that every child is able to achieve the appropriate developmental milestones and school-readiness, where evaluations are clear and simple.
Empowerment: The Setco Foundation empowers women at the grass root level in Gujarat, enabling them to become financially and socially independent, thereby empowering the community around them.
The Nandghar Project: Provides nutritional, medical and education support to over 1200 children
The Womens' Empowerment Program: Supports girl child education, Promotes financial autonomy, provides life skills training and encourages strong social support networks.
Other initiatives:
- School fee subsidy for every employee's child, along with textbooks and school supplies.
- Cash incentive for every year a girl child completes school successfully. Additional incentives are provided for girls going on to higher education as part of our women's empowerment program
- Scholarships are provided to merit students
- Provision of Learning Support Service (tuitions).