"We have signed up with some of the biggest domestic OEMs and are in talks with several others for possible partnerships in the near future."
"This is a simple mantra. No business is small or gigantic; or good or average. It’s the approach you bring to your business process."
"While, the components industry has vast potential in and outside India, we need to understand customers’ expectations, stated and implied."
"I always believed in getting my hands dirty, working my way up and learning through hands on experience. That is how I made up for my lack of technical knowledge."
"You have to have the ability to see what others don’t see and then do what you have to do to get there; which means intuition, leadership and a very steady nerve."
"Why is it that while we are called a manufacturing hub, yet we have to rely on ‘German and Japanese’ machines to manufacture products to world standards, even after decades of manufacturing...
"As far as manufacturing is concerned – particularly in terms of forgings and castings - Indian auto component players are as good as anybody else in the world."
Urges students to work towards moving from ‘Jugaad’ to ‘Jhakaas’
Deccan Auto Ltd has forayed into bus manufacturing with its newly inaugurated plant in Telangana. The Machinist caught up with MSRV Prasad, Chairman of Deccan Auto Ltd, and Balaji,...
Are increasingly concerned about product relevance, customer loyalty & keeping current with new technologies, according to new KPMG CEO Outlook Study