The panel deliberated on how a thriving manufacturing sector could potentially be the most critical building block for India’s economic growth in the coming year. It also focussed on...
The session focussed on what is so exciting about sustainable manufacturing and how successful is sustainable manufacturing in the present scenario. Need for a clear and well-defined...
The share of India's industrial emissions in overall emissions is projected to increase from 28 per cent in 2020 to 35 per cent in 2040. This highlights the need for policy actions...
The man who stood against stifling bureaucracy of Indian Railways and most importantly, a living example of how an honest & driven man can bring change to the system.
With Industry 4.0 revolution in place, the article elaborates on how data analytics will be a game changer in truly making a manufacturing set-up smart.
The plastic specialist, igus brings sales and engineering to virtual reality.
The Internet of Things makes it easier for companies to accelerate the digitalisation of industry as igus becomes a member of the Berlin-based IoT Use Case Network of experts.
Artificial intelligence and hyper-automation can offer increased efficiencies, reduced costs, improved quality and reduced downtime, and these benefits together can change the manufacturing...
The development of the new TCI campus is executed in such a way that it houses hi-tech software, hardware, and vehicle test facilities for R&D and a plethora of training centres, all...
The digital transformation has many benefits, including improved customer service, more productive staff, digitization, and increased profitability.