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New FDA and EU compliant linear systems

By Guest Author,

Added 08 October 2018

igus is expanding its range of liners with the FDA and EU-ompliant highperformance plastic iglidur A160

Tested wear resistance on stainless steel shafts
In the company's own 2,750 square-metre test laboratory, igus has tested the new liner on various stainless steel shafts vis-a-vis plastic liners that are already in the igus range made of iglidur J200, iglidur J, iglidur A180, iglidur E7 and iglidur X. The iglidur J200 is an established standard material on aluminium shafts, while iglidur J is suitable for all shaft surfaces. For users who rely on drylin linear systems with steel shafts, igus has, with the iglidur E7, an endurance runner in its product range, while the use of iglidur X liners is particularly suitable for applications requiring high temperature resistance and high chemical resistance. The wear test clearly showed that the new iglidur A160 liner has the best wear values on various stainless steel shafts. Therefore, the new liner is an ideal sliding partner for stainless steel linear guides used in the food industry.

For more information, contact:
Nitin Prakash
Product Manager
igus (India) Private Limited,