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Service life more than doubled with plain bearings in roller chain for long travels

By Guest Author,

Added 16 May 2018

At the Hannover Messe, igus showcased the new P4.1 roller chain for crane and gantry use with optional intelligent wear monitoring.

New P4.1: Merging of two core competences
Since 1964, igus has been developing and producing high-performance plastics for lubrication-free plain bearings and tough e-chains. Through the experience in both areas and the research of new plastic compounds, igus developers were able to further optimise the P4.1 roller chain in order to significantly increase reliability and availability. There is a bearing point for pivoting in every connection of the chain links. This has now been re-equipped with a maintenance-free tribo-polymer plain bearing, which more than doubles the service life. In this way, container cranes in ports, for example, can now achieve a service life of more than 15 years or 20,000 plus operating hours, with low maintenance and high reliability.

Intelligent networking and predictive maintenance with isense
Optionally, the new P4.1 can be equipped with smart monitoring
sensors, such as a wear sensor for the newly installed plain bearings. From a defined wear limit, this can issue a signal to the igus icom communication module and maintenance can be planned in advance. Depending on the customer's requirements, the data of the icom module can be used differently: with a direct integration
into the existing software environment and intranet solution
for a pure maintenance message or with the connection to the
igus data centre for an intelligent and dynamic service life prediction.
In this case, the maintenance recommendations via Machine Learning and AI algorithms are constantly compared and defined with the data from many existing applications. Thanks to the intelligent networking of the P4.1 roller chain, the maintenance engineer can access the service life data of the energy chain at any time at any location.

For more information, please contact

Harish Bhooshanan
Product Manager
E-ChainSystems® & ReadyChains®
igus (India) Private Limited