Without a doubt, digitalisation is the future of manufacturing industries. Even though leading manufacturing countries like Germany are still pioneers in machinery construction and engineering, they have to be aware of the so called 'fast lane' digital and smart services. This is where the future progress and profit lie. We hope that our study drives awareness about this in the respective industries."
The research used the Industry 4.0 framework, conceptualised by the German government and developed by industry leaders, to investigate the effectiveness of existing asset management processes. This reference framework is therefore applicable to any industrial organisation in the world.
The study polled 433 industrial manufacturing executives in five regions - China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. The results provide the first glimpse into the understanding of industry preparedness for Industry 4.0 and specifically into the critical aspect of asset efficiency.
Infosys and RWTH Aachen focused on the four most important asset efficiency levers namely, maintenance management, operational management, information management, and energy management. Respondents were asked to outline their current maturity levels on these levers and their target for 2020 on a four-point scale from, 'Not Implemented (lowest maturity)', 'Potential Recognised',
'Partially Implemented' and 'Systematically mplemented and Benefits Realised (highest maturity)'. For the purpose of analysis, enterprises were categorised as 'Early Adopters' or 'Followers' based on their response to the levers of asset efficiency. This paper reports the status today and the aspiration for 2020 by asset efficiency levers, industry and production type, and country.
The FIR (Institute for Industrial Management) at the RWTH Aachen University is a non-profit, intersectoral research institution concerned with business organisation and corporate development. The institute provides research, qualification programs and lectures in the fields of service management, information management, production management and business transformation.