The ventilator development is now complete. Testing, certification and clinical trials will conclude in the next few weeks, with mass manufacture of this system starting in May 2020.
Ashok Leyland has announced a slew of initiatives in the Ventilator Making and Distribution efforts. The Company was approached by the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu to work with and support Ventilator Makers and help them improve supply chain and output capacity. In response, the Company took a holistic approach to address the entire gamut of requirements in Covid-19 Patient Breathing Assistance, rather than working with just one party and one product. This included first mile, mid-range and high end ICU ventilators required for patients at different stages of disease progression. This approach ensures maximum availability of ventilation at optimum costs.
After discussing with various clinical experts and intensivists, the company identified the gap that there was no ready solution available for relevant and robust first mile ventilation. Working to fill this gap, a team of 50 Ashok Leyland Engineers have been working since end-March and have now readied a simple yet intelligent ventilator, at low cost but with all the essential features to aid First Mile ventilation including the necessary sensors and controllers for volume and pressure monitoring, and safeguards. The ventilator development is now complete. Testing, certification and clinical trials will conclude in the next few weeks, with mass manufacture of this system starting in May 2020.