Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd has rolled out its five millionth (50 lakh) vehicle from the company's automotive plant in Kandivali, Mumbai. The company's legendary 4x4 offroader, the Mahindra Thar, was rolled out as the five millionth vehicle.
Dr. Pawan Goenka, Executive Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. did the honours at a ceremony attended by workers, union representatives and other officials. Mahindra's Auto Sector achieved the four million (40 lakh) vehicle production milestone in 2012 and has surpassed this figure to reach the five million mark in just two years. This milestone is the result of combined vehicle production from the company's six automotive plants, namely Chakan, Nasik, Haridwar, Zaheerabad, Kandivali and its engine plant in Igatpuri.
Acknowledging the milestone, Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra Group, said, "This rollout of our 5 millionth vehicle marks an important milestone in our automotive journey over the past seven decades. It is also a reflection of the commitment and can-do spirit of our people who continually strive to raise their game while producing world class vehicles".
Speaking on the occasion, Goenka said, "This marks a momentous and landmark day in the history of Mahindra's Automotive Division. There are few companies which can identify as closely with India's destiny and industrial progress as Mahindra can. In our evolving journey to becoming India's leading SUV manufacturer, we have pushed the boundaries and taken on new challenges at every step. I dedicate this achievement to each and every member of the Mahindra family."
Pravin Shah, Chief Executive, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. said "This milestone signifies the relentless effort put in by the Mahindra family and today I would like to congratulate each one of them. Our plants have been at the epicentre of our sustained growth through the years and bear testimony to the manufacturing excellence which we have developed. With the commitment of one and all, I am sure that this milestone will be a stepping stone to many more accolades in our automotive journey".
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