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ReGen Powertech launches India's largest wind turbine

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 27 October 2014

With a rated power output of 2.8 MW and rotor diameter of 109 meters.

The unique design of the windings helps the generator to operate at a higher efficiency and also reduce the generator size and weight. The weight of the tower head mass is only 156 tonnes compared to almost 250 tonnes of other gearless wind turbines of comparable capacity and almost of the same weight as geared wind turbines of similar capacity.

The generator has an active air to air cooling system which makes it suitable for operation in high temperature sites.  Needless to mention, the WD 2.8 also offers advantages similar to other ReGen gearless wind turbines, like low reactive power, high partial load efficiencies and ‘low voltage ride through' (LVRT) making it a highly grid friendly turbine.

ReGen Powertech has been in the Indian market for the last six years and has about 1500 MW of installation in India and Sri Lanka behind it. It presently manufactures 1.5 MW synchronous permanent magnet gearless wind turbines with a technology agreement with Vensys Germany.

In this short span of six years, ReGen Powertech has introduced wind turbines with three different rotor diameters of 77, 82 and 87 meter suitable for low and medium wind regions found in countries like India.

The WD 2.8 MW wind turbine, whose proto type is under testing, is another feather in ReGen's cap.  This next generation product with its unique modular design is highly suitable for medium and high wind regions.  This wind turbine is expected to be ready for commercial launch by end of 2015.

ReGen is also in the process of launching the next wind turbine based on Vensys technology for low wind markets like India and it is expected that a larger turbine with a rated capacity upto 3 MW with a rotor diameter between 110 and 120 meters will be ready for commercial launch in early 2016.