Trade will remain the main engine of growth for the global economy, but it needs to evolve with respect to emerging technology, business and policy innovation. The export-led growth strategy will yield results only when the surpluses generated from such growth are deployed for public good.
This was stated by Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), while delivering a thought leadership lecture on ‘Globalisation and its Challenges to the Trade and Development Agenda' organized by FICCI and CUTS International.
Kituyi said that UNCTAD was promoting policies to create conducive and stable ecosystem for economic growth and sustainable development. Citing examples of nations around the world, which successfully revamped their economies with export-led growth, Kituyi said that some of the countries ploughed back their surpluses majorly for public good and used only a part of it to further pursue export-led growth on a sustainable basis.
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