Quarterly GVA (Gross value added) at basic prices for Q2 2015-16 from ‘manufacturing' sector grew by 9.3 percent as compared to growth of 7.9 percent in Q2 2014-15.
The private corporate sector growth (which has a share of around 65 percent in the manufacturing sector) as estimated from available data of listed companies with BSE and NSE is 8.1 percent at current prices during Q2 of 2015-16 and hence the growth of this sector at constant price is 9.3 percent.
The quasi corporate and unorganized segment (which include individual proprietorship and partnerships and khadi & village Industries has a share of around 26 percent in the manufacturing sector) has been estimated using IIP of manufacturing. IIP manufacturing registered growth rates of 4.6 percent during Q2 of 2015-16 as compared to 0.4 percent in Q2 of 2014-15.