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GDP in Q2 of 2015-16 shows a growth rate of 7.4 percent

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 01 December 2015

Manufacturing sector grew by 9.3 percent as compared to growth of 7.9 percent in Q2 2014-15.

Industry analysis
The second quarter estimates are based on agricultural production during Kharif season of 2015-16 obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation(DAC), abridged financial results of listed companies from BSE/NSE, Index of Industrial Production (IIP), monthly accounts of Union Government Expenditure maintained by Controller General of Accounts (CGA) and of State Government expenditure maintained by Comptroller and Auditor general of India (CAG) for the period July-September 2015-16.

Performance of key indicators of sectors like transport including railways, road, air and water transport etc., communication, banking and insurance during the period July -September 2015-16 have been taken into account while compiling the estimates. Performance of the corporate sector during July-September, 2015-16 based on data received from BSE/NSE have been taken into account.

Estimated growth in the indicator compiled on the basis of employee expenses, Profit before tax and depreciation of listed companies deflated by appropriate price indices has been used to extrapolate the corporate sector estimates of the same quarter of the previous year.

(Continued on the next page)