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Bosch officially opens new research campus in Renningen

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 16 October 2015

Bosch CEO Denner: “Renningen is Bosch’s own Stanford.”

Governor Winfried Kretschmann said that the new research campus is "an impressive demonstration of faith in Baden-Württemberg as a location for innovation."

"Like a university, our campus brings together many faculties. Here, we want our researchers to do more than just think about what the future could bring. We want them to be successful entrepreneurs as well. Renningen is Bosch's own Stanford. And at the same time, the center is an expression of our faith in Germany as a technology location," said Dr. Volkmar Denner, chairman of the Bosch board of management.

The company has invested some 310 million euros in the new location. The research campus, whose motto is "Connected for millions of ideas," is the hub of Bosch's global research and development network. The supplier of technology and services also intends to strengthen the spirit of entrepreneurship there. It is precisely here that Denner sees Germany at a competitive disadvantage.

"In Germany, there are neither the opportunities nor the willingness to establish companies. Especially among its young university graduates, we need more start-up spirit. In this respect, universities have to do more than prepare their students for exams in highly specialized fields."