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Bosch officially opens new research campus in Renningen

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 16 October 2015

Bosch CEO Denner: “Renningen is Bosch’s own Stanford.”

A completely new work environment for creative minds: with its Renningen research campus, Bosch wants to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, and in this way further enhance its innovative strength.

At the new center for research and advance engineering on the outskirts of Stuttgart, some 1,700 creative minds are doing applied industrial research. At a ceremony attended by Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, Baden-Württemberg Governor Winfried Kretschmann, and many other guests from politics, business, and academia, the research campus has now been officially opened.

"With this research campus, Bosch is setting new standards," said the Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. She underscored the significance of applied industrial research: "Research and innovation are the sources of our prosperity." She noted that Bosch has set itself the task of realizing ideas that nobody else has even had. "Bosch wants to stay one step ahead of developments," the Chancellor said.

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