The combined Index of Eight Core Industries stands at 168.0 in July 2015, which is 1.1 % higher compared to the index of July 2014. Its cumulative growth during April to July, 2015-16 was 2.1 %.
Coal: Coal production (weight: 4.38 %) increased by 0.3 % in July, 2015 over July, 2014. Its cumulative index during April to July, 2015-16 increased by 5.7 % over corresponding period of previous year.
Crude Oil: Crude Oil production (weight: 5.22 %) declined by 0.4 % in July, 2015 over July, 2014. Its cumulative index during April to July, 2015-16 declined by 0.7 % over the corresponding period of previous year.
Natural Gas: The Natural Gas production (weight: 1.71 %) declined by 4.4 % in July, 2015. Its cumulative index during April to July, 2015-16 declined by 4.2 % over the corresponding period of previous year.
Refinery Products (93% of Crude Throughput): Petroleum Refinery production (weight: 5.94%) increased by 2.9 % in July, 2015. Its cumulative index during April to July, 2015-16 increased by 3.9 % over the corresponding period of previous year.
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