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'Reliability becomes the key focus'

By Guest Author,

Added 26 January 2015

Reflecting a positive market sentiment and speaking about the experience of Imtex 2015, Terrence Miranda, Managing Director, Haas Factory Outlet - Mumbai, India, shares his thoughts with Shivani Mody, during the event.

India is set to become a major player in the global machine tool industry. What will be some of the challenges that the country will face in tapping the potential?
We have started the year on a good note. There is a stable, pro business government at the centre and the policy decisions are pointed in the right direction. One of the major issues is the access to coal. Power generation is a need for the machine tool industry and this will be a major challenge that we need to overcome.

The infrastructure bottlenecks that create problems in the supply chain continue to plague the country. Presently the instability of the oil prices is also posing a unique problem and this will affect the country.

On an international level, the European region is still on a shaky ground, which can make difference to our industry. The silver lining here is that Germany looks strong and is sure to bounce back, while the US economy is already taking better shape.

From a company perspective how has Imtex 2015 been for you?
In the last 2 months we have finalized many deals. Many of our earlier requests and quotes are now turning into orders. We understand Imtex as a platform to interact with existing customers & partners and strengthen our relationship with industry players.

This is a good way to network and strike a chord with new customers who are considering many brands and searching for a specific solution. This time, the new customers who visited the show were highly knowledgeable, were asking the right questions and displayed considerable understanding of the machining technologies. We noticed renewed interest in our CNC machines.