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Current Issue

Highlighting technological prowess

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 15 January 2019

Himanshu Shaparia, VP – Sales reveals Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd.’s plans for IMTEX

Please tell us about your plans for IMTEX.
IMTEX 2019 is distinct as IMTMA is celebrating 50th successful year in servicing to the nation & manufacturing fraternity. Jyoti as always, tries to bring new energy & zeal to boost up growth in manufacturing sector by providing best solution to individual segments. For this edition, Jyoti is exhibiting 9 different clusters where one can find its requirements for automobile parts to aerospace applications.

Please tell us about your product display
Under NVU cluster five different Turning and VMC machines are projected with complete new energy. High precision Turn Mill Machines AX 200 M & MSY, smaller variant in Vertical Turning machine as VTL 400 along with larger version VTL 750. Keeping in mind the demand of automation in manufacturing, industries we have automation cluster displaying DXG 100i with auto loader, Twin Spindle Twin Chucker with gantry loader machine TS 120, Inverted Vertical Spindle Turn Mill center ATM 160 along and a variant in Vertical Shaft Turning center. VMC 1580, RDX 20 and RAX 20 will be
under VMC cluster. The Tachyon cluster would be the showstopper for the event displaying most versatile combination along with robotics. One can be spectator of some finest yielding applications
made possible with the Tachyon family machines. NX 3222 nvu, HX 500 would be displayed under large machine cluster along with new launch MX9 nvu. Exclusive Huron cluster will have K Mill 10
nvu, K3X8 (Five) nvu and handsome hunk Umill 5 for finest Die-Mould and 5-Axis applications. India's First Multi-Tasking machine MTX 300 with its peculiar application will be another big attraction of the exhibition.

What are your expectations from this edition of IMTEX?
IMTEX is an international platform showcasing latest trend in the machine tool and its allied industry segment. For us, IMTEX is an occasion where we display our technological capability, strength & competencies to the global manufacturing world. This edition of IMTEX would be a technological delight for the industry.