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Current Issue

Nurturing the right culture

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 20 December 2018

Joseph Panakkal Jackson, VP – Human Resources, WABCO India Ltd. talks about the way the organisation deals with today's dynamic workforce.

What steps do you take to enhance employees' knolwedge to keep them updated with the latest trends/technologies?
At WABCO India, we constantly anticipate and track the evolving industry trends both in India & globally and through our structured talent management program, we are able to build a strong talent pipeline with the required skill sets. Talent management is done in every function with a view to identify top talents, prepare a succession plan & formulate developmental action for the identified talent. As a part of the talent management process, we regularly implement talent and skill development actions like benchmark visits to customers, suppliers and other manufacturing organizations to learn best practices, structured job rotation, short term training programs, higher education programs, participation in industry forums conducted by industry bodies like ACMA & CII, Six Sigma green belt programs and short term assignments at other global WABCO locations. To help employees keep abreast of the latest digital trends like Industry 4.0, we have established an internal digital taskforce, which comprises of a young team of Gen Y and Gen Z talents under the guidance of the senior leadership team. This team works on smart manufacturing projects like Robotic Process Automation, efficiency improvement & traceability through IoT & low cost automation. Other significant training development initiatives we conduct, are-Next Gen leadership program, 'Inspire and Win' program for middle level managers, short term programs conducted by industry bodies like CII, ACMA, QCFI, SAE, NIQR, Doctoral Program at IIT, Chennai, value engineering workshops, QR6S problem solving methodology, quality and safety awareness training.

Tell us about the involvement of women at your plant.
WABCO is an equal opportunity employer. On the shopfloor assembly product line, where meticulousness on the job is required, we have seen women employees exhibit their expertise. Women empowerment is the key for WABCO to provide opportunities for women across all levels.