How do you look at the increased awareness on EVs in the Indian market in the past couple of years?
Government of India has set an ambitious roadmap for pure electric vehicles with a transformative solution of shared-connected-electric mobility, wherein, 100 percent public transport vehicles and 40 percent of private vehicles can become all electric by 2030. This vision needs to be expanded to have future of all EVs.
Although there is some awareness, acceptance of EVs in India is still quite low as compared to IC engines. However, I foresee this situation changing as the industry is evolving with very high pace. It is government's clear roadmap to resolve the challenges such as charging infrastructure, adoption of lithium ion batteries with advanced technology and cost reduction.
How do you plan to develop required infrastructure such as charging stations?
To some extent, EVs' penetration depends on the charging infrastr uctu re. The Govt has taken initiative to address this concern and it is part of FAME subsidy as well. With the Government's support, agencies are working in this direction &facilities have been installed at some places as a pilot project.
Speaking about our efforts, we are in dialogue with 2-3 agencies, which can develop charging solutions for us as per our requirement. Definitely, charging infrastructure can be developed in coming 2-3 years with collective efforts and support from the government.
What are the challenges in the manufacturing of EVs?
Some of the challenges that we are:
• GST difference - Input GST 28 percent and 18 percent.
Output GST 12 percent. But it should be 5 percent only.
• Local supplier base- It is still very less or no supplier for
motor, controller, lithium ion battery cells, etc.
• Cost of lithium ion battery
• Ambiguity in Govt. policies - there is a dire need of long
term policy.
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