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Smart water metre integration: transforming real estate projects into water-efficient communities

By Jitender Thirwani, COO, Smarterhomes,

Added 25 April 2024

Discover how smart water metre integration is reducing costs, promoting sustainability, and fostering data-driven decision-making. Learn about the advantages, benefits, and environmental impact of smart water metres, and explore the way forward for this transformative technology in India.

India is urbanising at a rapid pace. Urban population has experienced a six-fold increase since 1951, growing from 62.4 million to 377.1 million in 2011, and it is estimated that 590 million will live in Indian cities by 2030, which is twice the entire population of the USA.

With increasing urbanisation, we are also seeing a rise in urban buildings to house the growing population. High rise residential apartments now constitute to a bulk of urban living. These concentrated dwellings have put pressure on city infrastructure including water supply and waste water management. More and more urban communities are depending on ground water and or tanker water to meet their demand. With increasing urbanisation this trend would continue. The lack of adequate water supply and increasing demand therefore puts the onus on communities to manage demand for water.

Surprisingly, while the apartment dwellers are used to paying for electricity by metre, most of the communities pay for water as part of the common area maintenance charge. Hence water consumption and charges for them are ‘invincible'. This results in inadequate control over consumption and leakages resulting in per capita consumption beyond acceptable limits.


Peter Drucker has famously said, "you cannot control what you don't measure"

With advances in technologies, it is now possible to accurately measure water consumption in individual apartments based on their actual water consumption. This enables housing societies to bill for water in an equitable manner and create economic disincentives for high consumption. Smarter communities are already part of this growing trend towards water efficient communities - from being invisible to invoiceable.

Smart water metre integration is revolutionising real estate projects, leading to water-efficient communities. Here's how, backed by compelling facts:

Data-Driven Precision: Smart metres provide real-time consumption data, reducing water wastage by up to 35 per cent through improved awareness and behavior adjustment.

Cost Savings: Communities embracing this technology consequently save their highest cost water source, which often is tanker water. This leads to disproportionate savings in their water bills.

Leak Prevention: Smart metres detect leaks promptly, that often goes unnoticed.

Sustainability and Attraction: Real estate developers adopting smart water metres become sustainability leaders. They attract environmentally conscious residents, leading to higher property values and investments.

Future-Proofing for Scarcity: In regions with water scarcity concerns, these communities are better prepared. They can adapt to changing conditions with less water consumption than non-metreed counterparts.


Smart water metres have redefined water monitoring in real estate projects by offering a spectrum of advanced features and functionalities, from real-time data and remote monitoring to leak detection and of course invoice as per usage. Below is a comparison between traditional water metreing and smart water metreing:


The integration of smart water metres contributes to the creation of water-efficient communities within real estate projects through real-time data monitoring, quick leak detection, and the encouragement of watersaving behaviors. This transformative technology delivers numerous advantages, including significant cost savings, sustainability benefits, and the ability to make data-driven decisions for more efficient water management. Additionally, smart metres promote fair billing, ensuring residents pay only for the water they use, eliminating disputes and fostering a sense of accountability among consumers.


Cost Savings: Communities can reduce water bills by up to 30 per cent, providing financial relief to both property managers and residents.

Leak Detection: Smart metres quickly identify leaks, preventing water wastage and property damage.

Fair Billing: Smart metres promote fair billing, ensuring residents pay only for the water they use, eliminating disputes and fostering accountability among consumers.

Sustainability: Smart metres help reduce the environmental footprint by conserving water, making real estate projects more attractive to eco-conscious stakeholders.

Behavioral Change: Residents are encouraged to adopt water-saving practices, leading to a noticeable reduction in water consumption.


The data collection process begins with smart water metres, which continuously and precisely record water consumption. These metres are equipped with sensors that measure water flow and transmit this data wirelessly to a central hub, ensuring real-time monitoring. The collected data is then subjected to thorough analysis. Advanced algorithms and software are used to process the data, identifying patterns, anomalies, and trends. Consumption data is compared against historical averages, and the software can detect any irregularities, such as sudden spikes that may indicate leaks or excessive use. This analysed data serves several essential purposes:

Real-Time Awareness: Residents have access to real-time data through web interfaces or mobile apps, enabling them to monitor their own water consumption.

Leak Detection: Any abnormal usage patterns are flagged, allowing for prompt leak detection. Residents and property managers receive automated alerts, and maintenance teams can address issues immediately.

Consumption Insights: Consumption data provides residents with insights into their habits and areas where water is being used inefficiently.

Data-Driven Decisions: Property managers use the data to make informed decisions regarding water management, enabling them to implement conservation measures effectively.

Tiered Pricing Models: The data supports the implementation of tiered pricing models, where responsible water usage is rewarded with lower rates, while excessive consumption incurs higher costs.

Sustainability Initiatives: Data analysis allows for evidence-based sustainability initiatives. Communities can assess the effectiveness of water-saving strategies and make adjustments as needed.


METRES Widespread adoption of smart water metre technology in real estate holds significant sustainability benefits. Reports underscore the urgency of water conservation, and smart water metres empower communities to measure and manage their water use effectively. "What cannot be measured cannot be controlled," and through these metres, we can measure, control, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Lower consumption within communities also indirectly contributes towards environment in general:

• Lower electricity charges for the society from less pumping

• Lower groundwater abstraction

• Lesser tankers on the road

• Lower pressure on the municipal water system


In the current landscape, there are no specific regulatory compliances in place for real estate developers regarding the integration of smart water metres. However, the context of the conversation is changing rapidly, given the escalating water crisis in various cities. As cities grapple with the challenge of water scarcity, there is a growing need for municipal bodies to step forward and mandate the implementation of sub-metreing systems. Enabling a 'pay as per usage' model through smart water metres holds the potential to revolutionise the way we use and conserve water resources.

The IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) perspective also comes into play, particularly for environmentally conscious developers. As part of sustainable development and green building initiatives, developers should consider the significant benefits of adopting smart water metre technology. Beyond the potential regulatory aspects, this proactive approach aligns with the broader sustainability goals of conserving natural resources, reducing water wastage, and creating more environmentally responsible communities.

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