Objectives of IPCC
IPCC is a "Networking forum of senior leaders of the Indian Polymer Compounding Industry" and will address:
• Strategic, Critical and Specific issues relevant for sustainable growth in India in the Knowledge, Technology, Skill building & Regulatory domain.
• Identify common Opportunities, Challenges & Risks including regulatory aspects and better prepare the industry to face the same.
• Facilitate pooling efforts and building common infrastructure for larger good of the Industry in areas such as growing consumption of polymer compounds, technical support and build human skills & capabilities.
IPCC will have 2 types of members namely Primary members and Associate members.
Primary members:
• Only organizations qualify to be a primary member.
• The organization should be a Manufacturer of thermoplastics compounds with a manufacturing base in India.
• A manufacturer of thermoplastic compounds could either be a manufacturer of colour compounds (or) masterbatch (or) PVC compounds (or) Technical compounds
Associate members:
• An organization or Individuals engaged in activities related to Polymer Compounding Industry will qualify to be an associate member.
• The activities may include manufacturing of allied products/ equipment or marketing / trading or consulting or providing service & technology relevant to polymer compounding industry.
For membership and other details, write to Mr. Ganesh, Hon. Sec General of IPCC at ipcchq@gmail.com