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For the Compounders' fraternity

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 20 February 2017

The Indian Polymer Compounders Collaboratory (IPCC) has been established in Chennai recently to have a forum of senior leaders to understand the opportunities and challenges for sustainable growth. The Convener of IPCC, S. Srinivasan (who is also the MD of X Mold Polymers, Chennai) explained the vision behind this industry body to us.

While there are so many other plastics industry related associations, what was the need behind another industry association like IPCC?
The purpose of IPCC is to have a networking forum that focuses on Strategic, Critical and Specific issues relevant for sustainable growth in India. Current associations do address generic issues across the value chain.

But predominant focus is the suppliers of key raw materials or end users. The molders do get covered by the end users specification & support. But the compounders who have specific needs in the Knowledge, Technology, Skill building & Regulatory domain that need to be addressed.

There is a generational shift happening in the compounders' fraternity. From small to medium size, owner driven, domestic and technology focused companies are now evolving to become larger, professional and globally aligned organisations. Marketing and customer focus is becoming the need of the hour in a globally competitive environment. We need IPCC to support compounder to better prepare to face the same.

Who are the brains behind IPCC?
The journey to making IPCC has just started. It took a while to reach here and was possible due to thought partnering with several eminent people that include Mr. Nikunj Agarwal of Prayag, Dr. Sanjoy Roy of Shamrock Polymer Corp., Mr. B.K. Humad of Premium Poly Alloy, Mr. Ganesh K of PMC, Mr. Inder Jain of APPL, Mr. Achal Thakkar of Tipco, Dr. (Prof) S.K. Nayak of CIPET and Mr. Satish Padmanabhan of STEER. 

As the head of the Collaboratory, what is your personal vision for this organisation?
There are possibilities for pooling efforts and building common infrastructure for larger good in areas such as growing consumption of polymer compounds, technical support and build human skills & capabilities. IPCC can facilitate this. My vision is to have a networking team that works with in defined code of ethics as core values that collaborate for sustainable growth.

The Indian Compounders can learn from the developed markets (such as US and EU) and increase the competitiveness to succeed in the emerging markets of Asia, Africa and Middle East.

Compounders can and do play a very significant role in recycling, bio / biodegradable polymers and advanced material which in India today is insignificant / not recognised. Significant work can be done in this through collaboration.

(Continued on the next page)