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Current Issue

'Your Global Craftsman Studio'

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 15 October 2015

Gone are the days when there used to be a cutting tool supplier. We strongly believe in playing role of a “Friend, Philosopher & Guide”, says Prashant Sardeshmukh, Director, MMC Hardmetal India Pvt Ltd.

Having the right tool is one thing and using it in the right way is another. How is your company educating and helping its customers for this issue? Do you conduct training programmes for your clients' operators?
"Knowledge is Power-if applied" is our motto behind educating the customers. Using a right product for the right application is a key to success.

We have designed an appropriate training module for customers in two different levels. In-house training programs are conducted at customer's manufacturing facilities. This gives the desired application knowledge together with hands on experience about usage of cutting tools.

Our technical services department is continually upgrading these modules keeping in view, a shift in technology. We spend significant time and money on "Train the Trainer" concept to ensure global standards of trainings to our customers.

Gone are the days when a cutting tool was considered as a ‘product'. Today, it is a solution for addressing specific requirements while considering several other factors related to performance, productivity, cost and time with a focus on continuous improvement. This requires cutting tools players to constantly innovate and enhance their offerings. What are you doing on this front?
Mitsubishi Materials is not just a tool manufacturer. We are committed to promptly respond to customer's challenges with the dedication of a professional craftsman and doing our best to actively contribute to their success. We strive to become the only tool manufacturer globally offering "your personal craftsman studio", a unique service for our customers.

It is the place where our customers can find state-of-the-art technologies and products. Find solutions, anytime, anywhere in the world. Share our excitement on the latest technology trends and product innovation.

It is the studio where we think, share, create and develop together with our customers exciting solutions to meet their specific needs.