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Advanced Safety and Vehicle Digitisation

By Guest Author,

Added 20 April 2015

The growth of Telematics in the auto sector has been witnessed in developing and developed countries. By Ashish Gulati, Country Head India at Telit Wireless Solutions

The Connected Enterprise is emerging as a blueprint for corporate management, based on the vision that every asset and product should be directly linked to the enterprise network, feeding data in real-time to relevant IT-systems.

Industry awareness about V2V (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I (vehicle to infrastructure) is clearly gaining momentum. The ‘connected car' is a typical application area where automobile manufacturers develop solutions enabling themselves and the driver to manage the vehicle and the driving experience through a range of applications.

A lot is being done in the area of Intelligent Transport Systems in India where many initiatives are being taken by the Government of India towards digitization of vehicular information to improve driver and passenger safety, by utilizing a combination of technologies.

Telematics solutions can have valuable impact on road safety through driver risk assessment technology and driver ratings. Live alerts/warnings can be triggered in case of any breach of the safe driving practices, e.g. in situations of over-speeding, harsh braking, seat belt use, indicator use, checking blind spot, engine revving, improper gear selection, harsh acceleration etc. Monitoring driver fatigue can also be beneficial to optimally allocate jobs and preventing accidents.

Road traffic safety is a global concern, not only for public health and injury prevention, but also for improving efficiencies in traffic management. This explores the rapidly developing use of in-vehicle telematics to monitor and analyse real-life driving behaviour, and its potential road safety advantages and disadvantages.

M2M growth estimates for the Indian are on an upswing but important is for the eco system to keep pace with the growth of M2M. Telematics solution providers need to arrive at a specific solution. The Telecom companies have to gear up to offer a better QoS for data services and M2M network solutions.

The absence of a certified body or an agency for standardization and regulations of Telematics industry is the biggest challenge faced by this sector. Regardless of certain core challenges like adoption of technology, India has a massive potential to leverage Telematics solutions for reaping social benefits towards road safety and also improvements in economic efficiency.