EtherCAT G was introduced by Beckhoff Automation in 2018 as an extension of the EtherCAT standard.
Becomes the only bearing manufacturer to develop current insulated bearings locally
Expands additive manufacturing capabilities to include plastics
Planning AI-assisted formulation development for Urethane Systems
BEAMIT is a leading European-based Additive Manufacturing service provider
Innovative internet platform UBench combines the total car life cycle management with the enhancement of the mobility service to the driver
It is the choices that we made at every juncture that have helped shape what we are today, says Vamsi Krishna Gaddam, Joint Managing Director of Visaka Industries.
Will feature more than 50 exhibitors displaying latest technologies in metal cutting and metal forming.
EV powertrain technology to be launched in Q4 of FY20
To collaborate on Aerospace, Industrial Automation, 3D Printing, AI & Hydraulic System Engineering