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Solid stamp of trust and reliability

By Guest Author,

Added 26 February 2016

When a well-known locking solutions and systems manufacturer decided to go for CNC machines, it categorised the supplier on the basis of power required to run the machine, operational safety, environment friendliness, end application and above all whether it gives the best productivity in terms of optimised cycle time.

Since its beginning in 1897, the Godrej Locking Solutions and Systems, a unit of Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Ltd,  has set several benchmarks in the locks industry - from the first spring-less lock in 1907 to the iconic ‘NavTal' in 1954 to the Ultra range in 1995 to the revolutionary 3KS in 2007.

From a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in a suburb of Mumbai, the company provides locking solutions that reach homes, offices, industries and the hearts of millions of people in India and around the world for whom ‘locks' means Godrej. 

A symbol of trust and security for 118 years, lock on almost every Indian home's front door is of Godrej. It goes to show how the customers have placed their trust and confidence in the company. Since the first lock was manufactured in 1897, it has been Godrej's endeavour to constantly evolve and design products and services that exceed the expectations of individual and institutional customers.

Over the years, the locks have changed in form, function and scope of application, but one thing remains constant - the solid stamp of trust and reliability. The company adheres to global quality norms and hold ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications.

"Initially, we were carrying out manufacturing process on conventional lathe and special purpose machines (SPMs). Since our style of manufacturing is quite flexible, we designed some special fixtures also that matched our machining process.

"However, later we shifted to vertical machining centres (VMCs) and turning centres as they give us opportunity to machine various designs of locks on a single machine," the Associate General Manager (Manufacturing) of the company, MHM Shaikh said. 

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