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Schneider Electric India wins Golden Peacock Award for its energy efficiency initiatives

Schneider Electric India wins Golden Peacock Award for its energy efficiency initiatives

Published : 11, Jul 2024

Through focused energy-efficiency initiatives, 1/3rd of the plant's energy now comes from renewable sources, aligning with Schneider Electric's goal of reaching 100 per cent green energy...

Signify wins Golden Peacock Award for CSR

Signify wins Golden Peacock Award for CSR

Published : 8, Jun 2021

Signify Innovations has been awarded the coveted Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility for the year 2020

IROAF wins an award eco-friendly dual fuel 1400 HP Diesel engines

IROAF wins an award eco-friendly dual fuel 1400 HP Diesel engines

Published : 11, Jul 2017

These engines substituted diesel fuel with CNG up to 20%