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Gliding, Rolling, Saving

By kruti bharadva,

Added 19 October 2021

On long travels, the energy supply systems from igus are favourites for safely guiding cables and hoses. In most applications, customers rely on the strong E4.1 universal energy chain modular system. igus has now expanded the successful system with glide pads and roller chain links for quick retrofitting. This allows users in abrasive environments as well as in applications with very high speeds or extreme travel lengths to increase the service life of their systems quickly and cost-effectively.

The energy supply system has an undercut design and thus a high torsional rigidity. It is quiet and variable in heights and widths. In 90 per cent of gliding applications, the E4.1 is the universal solution. To extend the service life of the energy chain, especially in abrasive environments, igus has now introduced glide pads with which the chain can be easily upgraded. The wear-optimised sliding elements can be easily placed on the chain links in the inner radius. They are made of a highly abrasion-resistant igumid polymer, which can double the service life of the energy supply system at travel speeds of 1-3m/s.

Safely rolled at high speeds

igus has had energy chain links with rollers in its product range for over 20 years. They reduce the pull/push forces on long travels and ensure a significantly longer service life of the energy supply system. Therefore, igus has now developed new optimised roller chain links in two sizes especially for its E4.1 modular system. Their use is particularly worthwhile at high speeds of up to 10m/s or very long travels. The rollers reduce the drive power by up to 37 per cent, which significantly saves energy. The new roller chain links and glide pads provide a customised energy supply system for every special application from 12m to 500m travel.