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Smart connected assembly

By Guest Author,

Added 16 August 2019

Tools and solutions supporting the vision of Industry 4.0!

New benefits of smart factories are arising, to meet the new challenges that are emerging. This evolution of the assembly process is driven by the Industry 4.0 - The fourth industrial revolution: the digitalization of manufacturing and assembly. And Atlas Copcos' contribution, and answer to this revolution, is something we call Smart Connected Assembly.

"Smart Connected Assembly is about creating unique value by connecting together all the customer's assembly related processes along with error proofing and quality assurance techniques.

Our solutions are networked to each other and integrated into the production network. The data generated is the new raw material used when controlling and identifying improvements in and between the manufacturing assembly processes.

Bringing these thoughts to India, our approach is to partner with our customers for improving their productivity using improved error proofing practices for increased uptime and allowing flexible production," says Abhay Pande, Business Development Manager, Quality Assurance & Software Solutions.