For applications where an extremely low-noise running of the energy chain, very high dynamics or very low abrasion is required, the motion plastics specialist igus has developed the E6.1 series of energy chains. These chains are now available in new sizes with larger inner heights of up to 62 millimetres.
The company igus has developed the E6.1 series of e-chains for applications where very low-abrasion energy chains are required, for example in the clean room in semiconductor manufacture. As with the predecessor series E6, instead of a pin/bore connection, elastic polymer spring elements in the side elements serve as connectors for a dampened and very smooth running of the chain. The very small pitch and contour of the chain links ensure that the polygonal effect is reduced to a minimum and the chain rolls very smoothly. Thanks to the narrower design compared to the E6, roughly 30 percent can be saved with the same inner dimensions. "Further advantages of this design principle are a very quiet and extremely low-vibration operation with only 32 dB(A)," explains Harald Nehring, authorised officer for e-chain systems at igus. "This makes E6.1 series energy chains very suitable for use in stage technology or in TV studios, in addition to applications in the clean room." The e-chains of the E6.1 series can also be used for applications with speeds of up to 20 m/s. From now on, chains in four different dimensions are available from 29 millimetres up to 62 millimetres in height. An even larger version of the E6.1 with an inner height of 80 millimetres will follow in spring 2017.
Easy access for quick assembly
For all installation sizes of the E6.1, the crossbars can be removed along the inner and outer radii, so that quick filling is possible. The means that when the chain is already installed in the machine, additional cables or hoses can easily be drawn in. Almost all of the crossbars are also equipped with a grid marking, which enables the exact positioning of separators. In the size with inner height 29 millimetres, users also have the option to order the chain with swivel-open crossbars. This means easier handling and therefore shorter installation times are possible. The very smooth and interference-free interior ensures a very long service life for the guided cables and hoses.
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igus (India) Prvt Ltd
E:mail: Harish@igus.in