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Industrial grade, easy to use repairing material

By Guest Author,

Added 20 January 2017

Can fix an array of problems ranging from fixing pipes to broken hardware.

Who's behind it
Spearheaded by Spencer Quinn and Eric Child, FiberFix was started in late 2012, post which, they entered Shark Tank. Backed by Lori Grenier, queen of QVC, they found the funding they were looking for, after proving the concept of this ground-breaking product. It is now a household name in the US and it is Goodwill Retails' endeavour to make it so in India.

"With its wide base of application, it can be used in both industrial and residential settings. A number of industries can benefit from its usage as it fixes motor pipes, water pipes, high pressure pipes, vehicle parts, breaks in machine parts, garner hoses, etc. The beauty of the product lies in the fact that, if kept at hand, it can drastically reduce down time in industrial settings, not only saving money, but also resulting in productivity and efficiency. In household settings, it can help fix furniture, utensils, tools, pipes- the opportunities are unlimited, metal and wood alike," states Jain.

How it works
Jain explains: "Simple to use, FiberFix involves sanding the affected area, dipping the wrap in water for 5-10 seconds, wrapping the product to the affected area and applying the vinly strip to tighten the wrap. Being self-adhesive, no other products are required in the process of using FiberFix."

It uses a combination of fiber and resin to have a steel-like grip on the affected area, securing your assests. It takes about 2-5 minutes to use, cutting down downtime dramatically, and can turn the average plumber or mechanic into a handyman.

It is waterproof, making its application widespread. It is resistant to heat and cold, so it is perfect to fix industrial breaks in machinery and hardware. Being sandable and paintable it seasmlessly blends into your existing setting. It is also an inexpensive way to repair and fix things that you would have to break the bank rehabilitating. It is resistant to climatic changes and is a long-term solution for a number of problems that are faced both by industries and households.

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