CGTech, the developer of VERICUT NC verification, optimisation, and simulation software, has announced that its new "VERICUT Reviewer" iPad App will be available through the iPad App store starting on March 1, 2014.
"It's no longer necessary to visit the NC programming office or an engineering workstation to view an NC program being simulated on a virtual CNC machine," said CGTech Product Marketing Manager Bill Hasenjaeger. "With VERICUT Reviewer on the iPad, shop floor personnel and other production staff can view 3D animations of CNC machining processes at the machine tool, during meetings, or at any other location. Intuitive touch controls and navigation make it easy to rotate, pan and zoom to view machining operations from any perspective as they are being simulated."
VERICUT's simulation moves according to the NC code the same as the CNC machine, so virtual machining exactly mimics real machining. The user can select and closely examine specific sections of NC code where a potential problem might exist.
A VERICUT report containing information about cutting tools, job setup, machining instructions and other information can be automatically packaged within each saved Reviewer session, creating a virtual workshop document. VERICUT reports are PDF files automatically generated during VERICUT simulations.
The NC programmer saves a "Reviewer" file after simulating his NC programs in VERICUT to ensure they are correct. The file can be saved at any point in a VERICUT simulation session. It is then transferred to the VERICUT Reviewer iPad App through iTunes, Dropbox for iPad App, or email. The App is offered free of charge.
More information and sample Reviewer files can be downloaded from cgtech.com/ipad/
Contact: Indudhar C, Phone: 080 2318 6981; Email: Indudhar.chandrappa@cgtech.com