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Safe guidance for variable radii

By Guest Author,

Added 19 July 2016

Recently, igus presented the first carriage for linear guides with different radii. The adaptable carriage can thus, go into a curve from a straight line and is therefore suitable for a variety of applications in industry ranging from furniture to stage equipment.

Based on the proven drylin W linear plain bearings, igus presented curved rails for linear guides for the first time a year ago. Thereby igus addressed the users' demands for more and more customised requirements and perfect space utilisation. Application examples here are in the control cabins of construction and agricultural
machinery. The advantages of drylin linear guides are ease of installation and maintenance-free use because the bearings do not have to be lubricated. This year igus goes one step further and offers the first carriage for linear guides with different radii on a rail. The carriage is adaptive, whereby it is possible, for example, to move from a straight line into a curve.

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