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Current Issue

Flexible Cables For Motion

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 10 July 2014

Tsubaki Kabelschlepp – the inventor of the cable carrier introduces the highly flexible TRAXLINE cables for drag chain application in class 6 in Indian market.

The cable ranges meet the highest quality standards in order to ensure availability for systems and installations. With this range, the company offers a selection of cables which are cost-effective, flexible and extremely durable cables in power, control, system and data in shielded and unshielded versions. A key factor for these cables is their tested and proven operational reliability, which meets all applicable standards and directives, inclusive of VDE, CE, UL, CSA approvals and ROHS Compliant. According to the company, competent, objective-driven systems consultation and global on-site service are both part of an on-going commitment to the technical and commercial optimisation of the customers' applications. Hundreds of cable types, stored constantly in its cable warehouse, secure a fast availability. Orders are delivered according to customer requirements; no minimum quantities are required. Each length is without extra cutting costs.

For Further Information, Kabelschlepp India Pvt. Ltd, Tel. 080-41158997; Fax 080-41158998; E-Mail:;