The ‘Make in India' programme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been progressing quite well and has received a very positive response. A total of 4896 queries have been received on the ‘Make in India' web-portal.
9.3 per cent of queries relate to food processing, 6.7 per cent to Information Technology, 6.1 per cent to renewable energy, 5.7 per cent to electronic system and designs, 4.7 per cent to automobiles and 4.4 per cent to textiles and garment sectors
The programme aims to project India as an investment destination and develop, promote and market India as a leading manufacturing destination and as a hub for design and information.
The programme aims to radically improve the Ease of Doing Business, open the FDI regime, improve the quality of infrastructure and make India a globally competitive manufacturing destination.
Although, no specific concessions have been offered to foreign investors, the Government has taken a number of steps to improve case of doing business.
An online single window in the form of the eBiz Mission Mode Project under the National eGovernance Plan has been launched. It aims to create a business and investor friendly ecosystem in India by making all business and investment related regulatory services across Central, State and local governments available on a single portal.
Process of applying for Industrial License & Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum made online on 24X7 basis through eBiz Portal. Validity of Industrial License has been extended from two years to three years.
Major components of Defence products' list have been excluded from industrial licensing. Dual use items having military as well as civilian applications have been deregulated. 12 Services has been identified to be integrated with eBiz platform on priority.
The process of registration with Employees Provident Fund Organization and Employees State Insurance Corporation has been made online. A Unified labour web portal has been developed to facilitate filing of a single annual online return. Ministry of Labour and Employment has also launched a random Labour Inspection Scheme to bring in more transparency and accountability.